Prof. Maureen Tanner is a Professor of Information Systems. She is a Y2 NRF rated researcher and her research interests lie in Agile software development related issues (for both collocated and distributed teams), UML, software engineering and social aspects of software engineering, global software development, virtual teams, team collaboration, Teaching and Learning as well as ICT4D. Maureen is a senior editor for the Electronic Journal of Information Systems (EJISDC) and the Editor for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge and Management (IJIKM). Maureen’s PHD worked focused on the Social Challenges experienced by Scrum Software Development teams during Agile Global Software Development. She used Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice to understand the social conditions giving rise to key challenges experienced by team members during Scrum projects. Maureen is the President-Elect of the AIS Southern African Chapter since 2016. She is a grant holder in the following
- Block Grant by the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town
- NRF Incentive Funding Award
- NRF Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration (KIC) Funding Instrument
- Block Grant by the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town
- NRF Incentive Funding Award
- NRF Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration (KIC) Funding Instrument
- Teaching with Technology Grant
- Block Grant by the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town
- Grant for Engaged Scholarship Initiatives
- Block Grant by the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town
- Emerging Researcher Research Grant
- URC Conference Travel Grant
- Block Grant by the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town
- Start-Up Grant by the University of Cape Town
- Development Grant by the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town
- Development Grant by the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town
- Awarded the NRF International / Refugee Scholarship for Postgraduate Students