Call for Papers
Submitted papers written in English must comply with the format in the TEMPLATE (Click this link for the template), must not have been published before, not be under review for any other conference or publication and not include any information leading to the authors’ identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should not be included in the version for double-blind peer evaluation by the Scientific Committee. This information should only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word format.
ICISET has become a member of Crossref. Each published paper in ICISET 2023 Proceedings will be assigned a DOI number (Digital Object Identifiers) to facilitate its citation and indexation.
Manuscript Content Checklist
We expect the following in a quality paper to have high chance of acceptance for publication in the journal.
- Paper should be rich in content and data.
- Follow a proper well defined research method or approach.
- Should effectively introduce the area and sub areas under investigation.
- Critique available literature on the topic.
- Present a clear research problem derived from literature
- Present a valid detailed solution to the identified problem.
- Develop / Adopt/ Adapt a clear validation method/criteria.
- Follow a proper protocol for validation and should present concrete and decisive evidence in from of research results. Discusses and evaluates the results in comparison to literature
- Provide clear limitation and assumptions to achieve the solution or results presented.
- Provide clear conclusion and deduction based on work carried out and data presented.
- Provide clear Future Research Directions
- Paper must not be more than 12 pages
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Cybersecurity
- Ethics, Computers and Security
- High Performance Computing
- ICT for Climate Change
- Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems
- Smart (inter)networked systems•(smart cities, smart grids, and smart mobility)
- Digital Twin
- Platform-based ecosystems
- Blockchain
- Engineering Applications
- Organisational Models and Information Systems
- Information Technologies in Education
- Health Informatics
- Digital Transformation
- Digital Business and Entrepreneurship
- Digitalisation and Green Energy
- Technological Innovations for Small Businesses
- Information and Knowledge Management
- Multimedia Systems and Applications
- ICT for Sustainable Development
- E-Commerce and E-Government
- Mobile Computing and Applications
- Big Data Analytics and Applications
- Adaptive Systems
- Intelligent and Decision Support Systems
- Software and Systems Modelling
- Machine Learning and Internet of Things
- Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools
- Media Education, Applied Technology and Communications
- Emerging Technologies in Corporate and Institutional Communications
- Digital Media, Society and Global Networks
ICISET-2022 topics include, but are not limited to the following